
Waxing and cutting hair according to lunar phases

The practice of cutting hair and waxing according to the lunar calendar is an ancient tradition that has endured over the centuries.

The consumption of medicines according to the phases of the moon

Beliefs about the influence of the Moon on human health and well-being have deep roots in the traditions and mythologies of different cultures.

The moons of our solar system

The moons of the planets of the Solar System are fascinating celestial bodies that offer a unique look at the diversity and complexity of the cosmos.

What are the areas of science that study the moon?

These studies revealed that the Moon has a complex geological history, with features including craters, lava seas, mountains and regolith.

Objects brought directly from the Moon

From the lunar rocks that tell the history of the solar system to the artifacts that testify to our forays into the Moon.

What does the Moon have to do with the kitchen?

In various cultures, the moon has played a significant role in culinary practices and food traditions.

Your astrological chart according to the moon

The moon in your astrological chart reveals details about your emotional needs, your way of processing affection and how you relate to the environment around you.

What is the lunar calendar for?

The lunar calendar marks events, agricultural activities, religious rituals and more. And this repeats approximately every 29.5 days.

The Moon in relation to human fertility

The idea that the Moon exerts some type of influence on the ability to conceive has captured the imagination of cultures around the world.

When can I get my hair cut? According to the Moon

Whether you choose to follow the lunar phases, the seasons of the year or simply your intuition, the important thing is to feel good about yourself.

Why do we see the same face of the moon every night?

The key to understanding why we always see the same side of the moon lies in the relationship between its rotation and translation.

What's on the dark side of the moon?

The Moon always shows us the same side from the Earth due to its synchronized rotation, there is a part that remains in the shadow.